Saturday, December 1, 2007

every teacher's nightmare

Yesterday, my para-educator calls me early and says, "I won't be able to make it into work today." She had a hesitant voice and continued to explain that she had head lice! None of her kids had it so naturally, I began to wonder if she got it from my class.

Now your mind plays funny tricks on you. For the next 3 hours, my other aides and I kept scratching our heads, complaining that it was itching. The school nurse had to come in and check all my students. It's quite a funny site. Kinda reminded me of monkeys grooming each other.

On a happier note, we were all declared lice-free. I guess my itchy head could have had something to do with the fact that I hadn't showered in a couple days.


The Special Reds said...

Good to hear! Lice would not be fun.

Anonymous said...

Showering is overrated...