Thursday, February 21, 2008

Idaho Trip Pictures!

A group of us went to Idaho for President's Day Weekend. 2 guys from my ward and 6 girls. (They claim they didn't plan it that way. I'm not sure if I believe them...) We had a little to much fun. Here's pics of our adventures!

I was nice enough to let Mike drive my car.
Mike somehow managed to get my precious vehicle stuck in the snow! (don't car is just fine) This is the track marks that he left. I'll have to post the video footage of it getting pulled out of the snow. It was quite an adventure.)

I'm pretending to surf, but really I'm standing on a sled. Shane is nice enough to push me down the hill. :)
Shane and I snowmobiling. It was my first time. LOVED IT!
Me and MikeThe Crew all bundled up
Shane with his 6 wives...I mean, friendsMike with his AngelsWe hiked to a lake in the Tetons. It was an AMAZING sunset!

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