Thursday, April 10, 2008


What time did you wake up this morning? I actually slept in this morning until 6:45am! It's an extra 1.5 hours than normal. I hate being sick.

What do you usually have for breakfast? a banana

What is your favorite CD at the moment? it would have to be one of my random mixes of the popular songs I download from Itunes.

What kind of car do you drive? 2008 Toyota Highlander. Her name is Scarlet.

Favorite item of clothing? Pretty much anything's my signature color. If I have to choose one, I guess it'd be my green shirt that's long enough to be a dress on an average height girl, but it's just a shirt on me. :)

If you could go anywhere on vacation where would you go? Africa!

What color is your bathroom? It's painted white decorated, of course, with green!

Where would you retire? Where ever my family is...or somewhere warm where my family could come visit me.

Most memorable birthday? My 16th. I got in a fight with my parents and ended up not getting any presents. typical temperamental teenager.

Favorite sport to watch? BYU FOOTBALL!

Are you a morning person or a night person? Morning! I wake up around 5 am every weekday to workout. Call me crazy, but I love it.

Shoe size? 10 (which is pretty small considering how tall i am)

Pets? heck no! But if I had to choose one, i'd get a great dane. I need an animal that is proportional to my size.

What did you want to be when you were little? A model/secretary/mom (what random selection, huh!)

What is your favorite candy? Peanut Butter M&Ms/Reeces (anything peanut butter and chocolate really!)

What is your favorite flower? depends on my mood...but I always love gerbera daisies or roses.

What is a day on the calendar that you are looking forward to? April 14...flying to Florida! and then May 31st...Cruising through the Caribbean!

What are you listening to right now? Random TV Commercials

What is the last thing you ate? Pete's yummy pasta!

What faith are you? LDS

Who was the last person you spoke to on the phone? The Haitain

Celeb hair you covet? Well, they aren't celebs yet (although the way their clothing company is going, they will be soon. check out but I'd pick my cousins...their hair is always perfect.

One of your favorite school teachers? Sampsee will always have a place in my heart. BYU SPED Department is going to take a hard hit when she becomes a full time mom.

Chocolate or Vanilla? Chocolate!

When was the last time you cried? Tuesday. I don't want to talk about it.

What did you do last night?'s been a long week.

Favorite smell? Daisy by Marc Jacobs (I'll forever be indebted to Jerry for recommending it.)

What are you afraid of? My husband dying and leaving me a young widow...pretty morbid, especially since I'm not married!

How many cities have you lived in? 4; Sacramento, Camarillo, Provo, Iasi

How many kids do you want? 4

3 bad habits? Biting fingernails, not cleaning my bedroom, speeding

If I were a billionaire I would? TRAVEL! I'd go to underdeveloped countries and work in orphanages. I'd also donate a huge chunk to Autism Speaks, oh, and of course, take my whole family on a cruise.

One life goal? Volunteer in an Orphanage in Africa

A few things your friends might not know about you? I'm an open book. I think most of my friends know all...feel free to ask me anything you want to know!

I tag? Beth (b/c she needs something else to write about besides her catalysts :) ) Laura Smith (if she happens to read this), and Liz (b/c she's hilarious...i'm sure she'd have a lot to say.)


Annie said...

We've named our cars the same name!!! That is awesome

Katie said...

Thanks Bre