Wednesday, November 28, 2007

It's a sickness, really...

I've lived in Provo for 7 years and 3 months, almost to the day. I've realized, I have a sickness. It's called movingitis. My mom has my contact info penciled (not penned) into her dayplanner so she can easily update my info (which, honestly, is about every 4 months.) My siblings were relieved when I finally got a cell phone because they couldn't keep track of all my new home phone numbers. I'm just now starting to get the hang of updating my mailing address with the DMV. (I have found out the hard way that Law Enforcement doesn't take it lightly when you don't update your address within 10 days of moving. I bet it made it pretty hard to track me down when I had that warrant out for my arrest...yeah, another story for another time...)

I get so antsy in one location, I just keep moving! in 7 years and 3 months, I have lived in 12 different apartments and had 31 roommates. This December when I move...yet'll make it the #13th apartment and 34 roommates. Now, some may say that #13 is unlucky. However, I have high hopes for this 13th apartment (townhome), considering everywhere else I've lived hasn't done much for me. Wish me luck. I think I need it.


The Special Reds said...

Good luck with your new move! I guess you're a pro now, huh? Thanks for your comment. Yes, I love blogs--great way to keep in touch. I will put a link for your blog on mine. That is so neat you enjoy your job. Actually, Julianna, my daughter, who turns 4 in a week, has Sensory Processing Disorder, and goes to a special preschool 4 days a week. She was tested for autism, but she didn't have it. If you have any insights into how to help my daugther with her disorder, that would be wonderful! It is getting challenging, especially since she's not potty trained yet! Anyway, I will keep checking your blog. Talk to you soon!

The Bergmans said...

Bre! Ahh! I love that your are blogging! I actually came across the blog Lindsey does for Brooklyn a few months ago, and was trying to find any link to you, but with no luck. Then I saw your blog on Lindsey servinos a week ago or so, and got really excited! Anyway, welcome to the blogging world.

Also, best of luck with the moving. You've got all my wishes I can wish for good luck.

Lindsey said...

I do wish you luck...Personally, I think all 34 of your roommates are super lucky. Happy December!

Anonymous said...

I've learned that I have to move a lot or my roommates start to figure out that I'm sort of freaky! :)

I think it's healthy to move a lot!