Tuesday, January 8, 2008

darn you, NBC, darn you

Is anyone else sick and tired of the writers' strike? I'm craving new Office episodes. I mean, it's been two months. Come on, already!

I've been trying to fulfill my needs by playing "addicted to the office" trivia on facebook, but it's just not doing it for me. (I've almost come to terms with the fact I'll never catch up to Denny Pitta's score. Apparently now that football season is over, he has an abundant amount of time on his hands.)

But my short comings on trivia is besides the point. I need a good jim/pam romance. I need more awkward michael scott and more stanley facial expressions. I even need more dwight/angela painful encounters. I need to see that Karen moves on to a better looking guy than jim. (jim played her hard. She deserves better).

Wow, I'm almost as pathetic as the writers' attempt to get more money.


Lindsey said...

Oh, Bre. It's so nice to know someone else feels my pain. I miss the Dwight/Jim power struggles, the Michael Scott non-PC commentary, and the random Andy song-bursts and mentions of attending Cornell. If you need a shoulder to cry on until the strike is over, I'm here.

amber {and co.} said...

all i can say is amen to that! I've been having withdrawls since week one. its truely painful. if you need a fix, i have seasons 1-3 that i would be glad to lend a fellow Office-er! ;)