Monday, February 25, 2008

I got tagged :(

I thought I could escape being tagged, but I guess it was inevitable. Thanks a lot Karissa. So here is what people probably don't know about me.

1. In 6th grade, the boys wouldn't let the girls play sports with them. Most of you know me well enough to know i don't back down from a challenge (Well, unless it's my brother, Brandon, challenging me...I've come to terms with the fact I can't beat him in anything.) So in retaliation, a bunch of girls, including myself, started the Buffalo Club. The sole purpose of this club was to race onto the boys field and charge them like a herd of buffalo. We would steal the ball they were playing with and throw it over the fence. If we couldn't play with them, they couldn't play at all. My poor, poor 6th grade teacher.

2. I have the uncanny ability to sound exactly like Cameron Diaz in "My Best Friend's Wedding" when she is karaoking complete off tune to "I just don't know what to with myself." (Private Performances are available upon requests)

3. I love watching "The Hills" on MTV. It's my guilty pleasure.

4. I use to be TERRIFIED of spiders. I would pay my brother (good, sweet, manipulative brandon) at least $2/spider to kill them. Then it got too expensive to maintain that phobia so I just got over it.

5. I've totaled two cars, plus gotten in a couple other fender benders and have had 5 speeding tickets. It was a long time ago though. I think...I THINK....I've learned my lesson.

6. I have an itch to travel. I'm always up for a road trip, even if it's somewhere lame like Pocotello. When I start making my millions as a teacher, I'm going to travel the world.

7. I have a love/hate relationship with scary movies. (Pete made me watch "Invasion" with Nicole Kidman on Saturday. FREAKY!) I hate them, and yet, I just can't stay away.

8. I am some what afraid of heights. Pretty ironic considering I'm 6'3"

Ok. That's me. Tag on Anndalyn, Liz, Brooklyn Bell :), and Bethany!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I like you! You make me smile!