Saturday, June 21, 2008

Inside the mind of a facebooker/blogger

Yesterday, as I was driving to Idaho Falls, I had over 7 hours roundtrip to contemplate and think. I literally laughed out loud at myself when I realized what I was thinking. I was think in "Facebook Status Updates" (For those of you who are not on facebook, you can update your status to state how you are currently feeling). I had these thoughts that went a little like this...

Breanne is...driving to Idaho Falls and back today.
Breanne is...wishing semi's wouldn't try to pass other semi's when going uphill
Breanne is....going to vomit if she hears the song "I kissed a girl" one more time
Breanne...hates slow drivers that make her break while she's using cruise control
Breanne is...wondering how much diet coke she can drink before having to stop to go to the bathroom.
Breanne is...wishing her bladder was bigger.
Breanne is...thinking in third person status updates. She has issues!

I laughed at myself when I got to this last thought...then my next immediate thought was how I would blog about this. Apparently that is how I function now...I live for posting on facebook and blogs. Pathetic, I know. (Admit it, if you're reading this, you're probably a facebooker/blogging fanatic too!)

1 comment:

amber {and co.} said...

Breanne I laughed out loud when I read this because I do this all the time! In fact thats what I was doing in the shower last night... its a good thing facebook/blogs make life so exciting :)