Wednesday, December 19, 2007

career change?

This evening I was sitting in the waiting room at jiffy lube. It's a very dangerous place, I've come to realize. Between the toxic fumes of car oil and the unique individuals who are also waiting, I never know what will happen. Today's experience proved to be no exception.

As I entered the waiting room, I saw a gentleman in army attire. I do what I normally do in the jiffy lube waiting room: avoid eye contact, sit down in the most isolated corner, and read the book I bring with me. He must not have picked up on my "I don't want to chat" cues because he proceeded to introduce himself and ask me what I do for a living.

He then proceeded to try to recruit me into the army for the next half hour. I have to admit, his offers did seem intriguing (teach in Japan or Germany, serve my country, etc.)

The clincher was when he said there was a 6 year commitment. SIX YEARS! I can't even commit to an apartment for 6 MONTHS! How could I possibly commit to six years?!

Hmmmm....knowing how often I move....and how often the average military man moves...maybe it would be a perfect fit for me, after all.

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