Monday, April 14, 2008

Airport Thoughts

I'm sitting in the Phoenix airport right now. I have a 2 hour layover to Florida. I find that my mind is flooded with really random thoughts...

"I must look really obsessive wearing a t-shirt that says, 'I love my students with autism' and reading 'Chicken Soup for the Soul: Children with Special Needs.' "

"I wonder if any of my student are freaking out right now that it's Monday and the bus didn't come..."

"I bet I could make a ton of money by building a gym in airports. What better way to spend a two hour layover?"

"Ok, obviously there isn't a gym here. How can I still get a decent workout in?" (Enter image in my mind of me running up an escalator that is meant for people riding that would cause a scene)

"I wonder how many females there are in this airport that are actually taller than me..." (I haven't seen one yet.)

"In a day and age when EVERYONE travels with electronics, why is it next to impossible to find an electrical outlet?"

"Heaven bless the soul that made wireless free in this airport. "

1 comment:

More Bacon said...

Free wireless is a beautiful thing!