Friday, April 4, 2008

The Grass isn's Always Greener...

Today a 3rd grade teacher at my school wasn't feeling well. Unable to find a sub, I volunteered to sub in her class after lunch so she could go to the doctor. (Thank goodness I'm co-teaching this year. Rachel can handle my class with no problems.)

Although this 3rd grade class as a whole was really good, it made me SO GRATEFUL for my students for multiple reasons.

1. Some of my students can't talk, and even the ones that can don't really understand how to be sarcastic or mouth off.

2. My students are so literal, they understand that school is for learning. My students say "Miss Bell, can I do my reading now?" and "It's time for math! yay!" 3rd graders groan (and then cheat) when you give them a test.

3. My students, having special needs, are (for the most part) all on individual levels. I teach them according to their level...meaning, I don't have to grade the same 30 math tests.

yep. I've decided I would much rather be bit, peed on, hit, kicked, misunderstand, and potty train than teach the 3rd grade. Am I a freak or what?

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