Tuesday, April 1, 2008

April Fool's Day!

Happy April Fool's Day! In observance of this holiday, i thought I would share with you the stupidest joke I've ever played.

Let me take you back, way back. Back to the days when I was a 19 year old sophomore living with the most amazing gals; Bethany, Jenna, and Christina, in the The Great 28 at BDA Condos.

One semester I was taking a sign language class. For an assignment, we had to spend an entire day pretending to be deaf. I figured that a Sunday would be the easiest day to complete this assignment. However, the Sunday that I was "deaf" turned out to be the same Sunday that Jenna's Uncle invited us all to have dinner with his family.

Knowing how much of a jokster her Uncle was, Jenna thought it would be funny to play a joke on him. We decided that we wouldn't tell him that I was deaf for an assignment, rather we would just have him and his family believe that I was really deaf. (I really don't know why we thought this would be funny, but we did).

We arrive to the house and Jenna told her Uncle I was deaf. I started signing, and Christina was my "interpreter." For the next 3 hours, I continued the facade of being deaf. For those of you who know me, you can imagine how hard it was for me to keep my loud mouth shut. They full on believed it. We even watched Shrek in close captions. I tried so hard not to laugh when her uncle said, "It's so sad. This movie has such great music and she can't hear it!"

By the end of the night, I felt SO BAD that we had played this joke for so long, i didn't have the heart to tell them that I was actually pretending. To this day, that family probably still thinks I'm deaf.

Don't ever do that.


Anonymous said...


Imagine my surprise to see your post about ME! I check your blog all the time and have meant to contact you for so long. I never did tell my uncle you weren't really deaf... I just couldn't bring myself to confess! What a great memory that is, though. I hope they never find out! Love you, miss you! Email me if you still have any of my hotmail addresses!

The Special Reds said...

That is the funniest thing I've ever read! I never heard that story. It sure was fun living two doors down from you and the other girls. Too bad it didn't last longer! --Kera

Bethany said...

I couldn't read this without crying I was laughing so hard. Good times...good times :)

Laura said...


That was the funniest thing I have ever read! I read it at work and was laughing out loud so hard that I had to read it to Jeannie. That was seriously hilarious. I love those shake your head moments that at the time seemed like such a good idea. Thanks for the laugh!
