Saturday, April 12, 2008


This morning, as I was going upstairs to talk to my roommate, I heard someone using the blow dryer. Naturally, I assumed that someone was drying their hair. it's amazing how dead wrong I can be sometimes (surprising, I doesn't happen very often...)

No, Ruth, my sweet roommate was not drying her hair. She was using the blowdryer to dry her FEET! I gave her a questioning look and proceeded to have this unusual, and yet serious, conversation...

Bre: "So, uh, Ruth, watcha doin'? "
Ruth (replying casually): "I'm drying my feet."
Bre: "Um, why are you using a blow dryer for that?"
Ruth: "Because when you put your feet in socks while their wet, it feels weird." (WHAT!?!?!?!)
Bre: "So, um, do you not like drying your feet with the towel?"
Ruth: "It's just not as effective as a blowdryer."

I was then rendered speechless.

So then it made me think....who else has used a blowdryer in an unusual way? I'd love to hear your stories. (I've used it to defrost my freezer mother was sure I'd electrocute myself)


Preston & Rebekah Peterson said...

I can totally understand what Ruth is talking about! I HATE putting my socks on when my feet are wet or damp. It feels all weird and uncomfortable. If I had a hair dryer, I would probably use it to do the same thing!!

amber {and co.} said...

Blowdryers are the the greatest invention ever because they serve so many purposes! For example, I often find myself forgetting to wash my shirt for work ahead of time and therefore end up starting a load at midnight. In the morning, instead of sticking it in the dryer, I blowdry it, which takes much less time! Also, if papers get wet (i.e. your graduation diploma...dont ask) blowdry then iron, you cant tell it was at one time ruined! :)

More Bacon said...

Uh, I've never thought my feet needed to be dried at all. They seem to just work themselves out...

Lemme said...

I am a thorough teeth brusher and sometimes I splash water on myself...I use the blow dryer to dry off my clothes after I'm done brushing my teeth...maybe I should just brush in my PJs...