Tuesday, May 13, 2008


I took my students on a field trip to go fishing today. Talk about hilarious! My kiddos were so excited to pull their fish out of the water and take it home. I'm sure some of their parents were more than thrilled to have a dead fish brought home as well (you can't hear it but there is definite sarcasm in my voice...)

The day was just gorgeous. Perfect weather! My students (for the most part) were on their best behavior. We fished, we barbecued, we played. It felt like a Friday....and then I got back to school and saw how much work I still have to do and was slapped back into reality. Nope, it's only Tuesday. (Still a great day though...)

1 comment:

Katie said...

I loved Fishing Day! My favorite (next to seeing the kids) was watching the characters who helped them fish. Did you now they are all people who have to do it for community service for illegal hunting "issues"?