Friday, May 30, 2008

It's Summertime!

I finished my fourth year teaching today. I am still in denial that i've been teaching that long. We had a fun end of the year class party. I was in denial that it was actually the end of the year...and then it hit me after all my students left and I was cleaning my classroom.

Ok, I admit it. I made it through the whole party without crying (got choked up, but no tears...). Then the water works started when I was cleaning.

Parting really is such sweet sorrow.


Katie said...

And now you can go Cruising!

Laura said...

I'm one of those once I start I can never stop cryers. So I held it together the whole time. I think when I will be really bawling is the first day he is not in your class! :) But the last day really was perfect, fittingly for the perfect year!